Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Vulnerable and near

Wednesday of the First Week of Advent
Feast of St. Andrew

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
and will save those whose spirits are crushed
Psalm 34:18

The cold rainy day both evokes pensiveness and soothes my soul. The early darkness calls to me of Adventide and lighting candles to dispel the gloom. Add a bit of quiet solitude and I find myself stepping across a liminal space in my day and into the mystery of the season.

God is mystery both far and near. God’s thoughts as far away from our way of thinking as heaven is from earth, God’s magnificence so awe-inspiring that we could do nothing but collapse if were we actually in the presence of the Holy One.

And God is as close and vulnerable as a newborn, as an infant on its mother breast. God comes near, enfolds the broken, finds the lost, comforts the mournful.

I yearn for the birth that awaits.