Monday, December 14, 2020

The home way

 Monday of the Third Week of Advent

Our heart never turned back,
nor did our footsteps stray from your path.
Psalm 44:18

Of course, the Advent journey is different this year. The path I walk during this season of expectation is always slightly off from the way of the world around me, and always inviting me to reflect on the juxtaposition of these differing trajectories. 

This time, the paths I walk, and the scope of my travel are vastly different. The Advent journey is not accompanying me to the mall, or into crowds, or along dark roads at night. Now my journeying most often takes me from one room in my house to another. 

Throughout the day, I traverse the different spaces in my home, my travels never a far distance, yet still I am journeying. My movement toward the manger, my progress on this spiritual endeavor, my trek to make straight the way in the wilderness, continue. My walk with Christ in my own home is nevertheless a walk.

Is it possible to stray from God’s path? Do not all ways belong to God? Perhaps when it comes to straying, it is my heart rather than my feet which needs attending.

Image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay