Thursday, December 17, 2020

Inevitable strength

 Thursday of the Third Week of Advent

My eyes are fixed on you, O my Strength;
for you, O God, are my stronghold.
Psalm 59:10

More often than not these days, I forget what I am doing. Brain fog is my constant companion as I drift in and out—of a room, of my email in-box, of a zoom meeting. I lose hold of the point I was going to make, what I was going to do next, what I was doing just now. It’s pretty much impossible to multitask as even singletasking can be a challenge. My priorities shift and shift again as I navigate this landscape that has become somewhat familiar in a vague and confused sort of way.

This year more than ever, the Advent journey reminds me that God’s path does not disappear but is always before me. In my waking and my sleeping, I move inevitably closer to the unveiling of God’s glorious mystery. Everywhere I look I can see the evidence of the holy: in children showing off their Christmas trees, in early morning pristine snow, in the gift of a generous stranger.

God, my strength, holds true when all else is rocky. God’s love shines clear when the way is dim. God’s light compels my gaze and keeps my footsteps sure.

Image by Jörg Vieli from Pixabay