Monday, December 2, 2019

Evidence of Glory

Monday of the First Week of Advent

But you, O Lord, are a shield about me;
you are my glory, the one who lifts up my head.
Psalm 3:3

Across the way, I watch the smoke rise from a chimney, moving across the cold morning air. It drifts, dissipates, disappears—simply a sign of a warmth being generated somewhere within the building. And yet it is a thing in and of itself, particles of water and dust that make a path across the sky, evidencing the presence and direction of the winter wind.

I, too, am a thing made of particles of water and dust. Dust that God called into being eons ago. Dust that is evidence of God’s love. Dust that God finds worth shielding.  And on this Advent morning, I am called into being again. Called to begin again the journey to the manger and to the end of time. Called to travel a path yet undefined.

I lift my head to watch the smoke, following its dance, ready to discover sacred glory in unexpected places.

Image by analogicus from Pixabay