Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Strong Promise

Tuesday in the Second Week of Lent

God alone is my rock and my salvation,
my stronghold, so that I shall not be greatly shaken.
Psalm 62:2

The morning dawns with a pale light that is enhanced as it is reflected against the gently falling snow. But as time passes, the morning darkens. I doubt the sun will shine today. After the mildest of winters, now, in the middle of March, a huge storm.

It is quiet for the moment. No traffic. No plows. The snow ushers in a kind of peaceful wonder. Yet I know this will not remain a gentle storm. Soon the winds will increase and the snow will be replaced by hard icy pellets. I think of those who must venture forth today, because the safety and well-being of others depends on their presence. I offer up a prayer for their protection, and another of thanksgiving.

The wilderness of Lent can be deceptive. A mild beginning does not indicate a tranquil road ahead. But what remains unchangeable is the promise of God. That we are beloved. That God’s way is the way of life. That where there is trouble, there is also redemption.

I lean into this promise this morning, that I may be shaken, but not greatly shaken.

Image Copyright: panaramka / 123RF Stock Photo