Monday, March 13, 2017

God's Wingspan

Monday in the Second Week of Lent

Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful, for I have taken refuge in you;
in the shadow of your wings will I take refuge until this time of trouble has gone by.
Psalm 57:1

In the cold hour of dawn my morning meditation is accompanied by the brave song of sparrows. But along with their bright chirping, I hear something more—a scratching and a digging under the eaves of my house. They are at work building a nest, and I am fairly certain they have found their way once again into a small attic crawlspace. I meant to block up that opening last fall.

They are building a home in which to birth and raise their young. They are also building a refuge against the cold. It is hard for me to imagine how their tiny bodies can generate enough heat, or how a structure assembled out of twigs and bits of dryer lint can contribute sufficient insulation. Nevertheless, in a few weeks tiny new lives will be securely tucked under parental wings.

I also hear God’s song amidst the dawn chorus. I imagine the delight of the Creator swooping among the industrious sparrows. And then I wonder about the wingspan of the Holy One. What does it not encompass?

God’s refuge extends beyond those tucked closely under her wings. God’s mercy is expansive, and all the world is overshadowed by her love.

Image Copyright: victortyakht / 123RF Stock Photo