Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Sabbath Lent

As we begin the Lenten Journey this year, I am in the midst of a sabbatical. My beloved congregation of St. Luke's sent me off in January with a celebratory cake (we love cake at my parish) decorated with the words:

Rest - Renewal - Joy

For the past two months I have been living into these comfortable words. I have been spending my time in rest, prayer, contemplation, reading, retreat, and creation. I have also been writing--mostly poetry.

As I continue to honor this time of re-creation and in order to allow space for my current writing endeavor, I will not be writing and publishing new meditations on a daily basis on this blog. However, I have curated meditations from previous years which I will send out via email this Lent. You can subscribe to emails via the link in the right column of this blog.

It is quite possible (as it always is with me) that I may miss a day here and there. And, who knows, there may be a new meditation here and there as well.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Gift in the Bleakness

Christmas Eve 

Be still, then, and know that I am God.
I will be exalted among the nations;
I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalm 46:11

My morning devotions are accompanied by snow, and I imagine myself within the scene of In the Bleak Midwinter, once of my favorite Christmas hymns. Snow had fallen, snow on snow, snow on snow on snow.

As I make my way finally to the manger, I will be in the company of a band of children who will dress in the traditional costumes and tell the story to a churchfull of relatives and strangers. And later I will approach the manger again in candlelight accompanied by magnificent music. And in both circumstances, I will arrive emptyhanded.

What can I give Him, Poor as I am? What do I have to offer Love incarnate? What can the Holy One want of mine, when all that I have is tarnished? When I am marred by imperfection? Who am I to arrive at the birth of the Morning Star?

And who were the shepherds but tarnished, marred, imperfect human beings? Trusting, faithful, human beings who did not think twice about heading to the scene of the miraculous and holy. With the shepherds and the children and the faithful and the unconvinced, I am in good company. I will make it to the manger, and my hands won’t be empty. Because I will hold the one gift I have. Yet what I can, I give Him, Give my heart.


Monday, December 23, 2024

Pattern of salvation

Monday of the Fourth Week of Advent

For God alone my soul in silence waits;
from the One comes my salvation.
Psalm 62:1

The sun shines brightly, its brilliance magnified as it reflects off the snow. Yet the warmth it promises is fleeting; it is bitter cold outside.

It the lawn next to the church the outlines of the labyrinth can still be seen through the frozen whiteness; somehow the stones that mark the path resisted being completely blanketed by the snow. 

The invitation to complete my journey to the manger is clear. In this frozen stillness before the arrival of Emmanuel, the pattern of salvation remains visible.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

What am I doing

Saturday of the Third Week of Advent
Feast of St. Thomas

I lift up my eyes to the hills;
  from where is my help to come?
My help comes from the Lord,
  the maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121: 1-2

“What am I doing,” I whisper to myself in the pre-dawn. Having opened my laptop to complete a task, I immediately became distracted by the number of open files on my desktop and after taking care of a couple of them I can no longer remember what it was that I wanted to do.

What am I doing? This is probably an apt refrain as I head into the final week of Advent, which, in reality, is not a week but a few days. As the morning light increases, the angel on top of our family creche is revealed along with a backdrop of snow-covered trees that I had not expected. I didn’t know that yesterday’s sleet had become more substantial overnight.

What am I doing? What is God doing, is perhaps the better question. However else I spend these last few days of this season of expectation, I am reminded that I need to keep my attention focused on the Holy One. Who is ever active, always present, continuously redeeming heaven and earth.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Mastering getting ready

Thursday of the Third Week of Advent

Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving
and make good your vows to the Most High.
Psalm 50:14

I sit in the quiet room in the late evening, the space lighted only by the Christmas tree. I allow the peace of the moment to sink in, comforting me like a well-loved blanket. 

It has been a good day, a day of preparation. Some presents wrapped. A package ready to be mailed to family far away. The kitchen cleaned, email dealt with, work projects wrangled.

The day has been wrapped in prayer as well, beginning with a morning healing prayer group and ending with bible study, a discussion of angels, and the courage to ask God to come among us with great might.

Now I pray again, thanking God for the fullness, the holy solace, the solitude and the community. I realize that, at this point in Advent, preparation has become my spiritual practice. I may never be ready; yet I have come close to mastering getting ready. And for this I am grateful.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


 Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent

O God, you are my God; eagerly I seek you;
my soul thirsts for you, my flesh faints for you,
as in a barren and dry land where there is no water.
Therefore I have gazed upon you in your holy place,
that I might behold your power and your glory.
Psalm 63:1-2

I must consciously breathe my way through the store, focusing on my list and not allowing my senses, and my soul, to be captured by all that is on offer. I can so easily become overwhelmed by commercial appeals, brightly colored items arranged attractively on shelves, and aisles that lead me to more stuff. I had thought this was going to be a one-stop trip. But I am now at my fourth store. And I’m getting cranky.

The enemy is always close at hand at the holy times, a friend tells me. Well of course. What better way to disrupt the peace brought by the one with healing in his wings than to lead us astray on our way to the manger.

I remind myself that the one who wants our joy to be complete can have nothing against stars and glitter and holiday cheer. After all, think of the magnificence that accompanied Jesus’ birth. An entire host of angels appeared to the shepherds! Just how many are in a host?

As I leave the store and step into the cold night, I see the radiance of the moon, just past full. Are angels hiding somewhere beyond that brightness, getting ready? I imagine a heavenly choir practice going on, a host preparing to light upon us in a week’s time, guiding all who seek to the glory of the incarnation. Again.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Slowly and silently

Tuesday of the Third Week of Advent

This God is our God for ever and ever,
and shall be our guide for evermore.
Psalm 48:13

I hear the hum of the washer and I see the fallen leaves from a house plant that need to be swept up and my list of things on today’s calendar runs through my head. Where is the sacred in all of this?

We have hurtled past the third Sunday of Advent and suddenly I am afraid I have missed the opportunity to envelope myself fully in this season. I want to surround my heart with expectant hope. I yearn for long stretches of contemplation on the miracle to come. I wish to slow down and savor the unfolding mystery of the incarnation that was and is and is about to be.

Just out of my sight, I know one of the houseplants is about to bloom. As it leans towards the window, its tiny buds stretch toward the winter sun, eager to soak up its energy. And there, I realize, is expectancy and hope. Slowly and silently this creation of God’s has been steadily divulging the ongoing mystery of new life.

God is here, always. And God guides me, scatters my daily path with direction and encouragement. The holy invitation to enter deeply into this Advent never expires.