Saturday, June 5, 2021

Reconnecting with Stumbling

First long bike ride of the season, 12 miles on the canal trail. Sometime in January I threw in the towel with healthy habits. The stress, worry, grief, and exhaustion of the pandemic were...well,  a lot. I continued to hold up hope, practice gratitude, and be kind to myself. And ate a lot of chocolate. And other yummy things. And sat around a lot. 

Starting June 1 (which also happened to be the date I was fully vaccinated), I committed to more healthy eating and being mindful of my physical well-being. This aging body is the only one I have. I share this because I know a lot of us struggle with physical, mental, and spiritual health. And sometimes clergy especially think we are immune to all sorts of things.

I expect I will regain some good habits and some health. And I expect, like any path I take, there will be ups and downs, detours, and unexpected curves. And, because I have learned a thing or two, I don’t expect perfection or success. I am simply enjoying this reconnection with a more wholesome and holy rhythm. 

Stumbling into the sacred; that’s how I role.