Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Rocky terrain

Wednesday in the First Week of Lent

I have considered my ways
and turned my feet toward your decrees.
Psalm 119:59

The path I walk on has become rocky, the wetness of approaching spring exposing hard stones. I now have to slow down and pick my way carefully. My focus shifts from enjoying the nature around me—the sunshine hitting bare trees, the thawing creek singing its way to the reservoir, a flock of birds curving across the blue sky—to concentrating only on the next step. I wish I had remembered this difficult terrain and chosen a different path. I wanted an easy and enjoyable walk today, but this is hard work.

The spiritual life can be like this. The terrain is not always beautiful and smooth. Sometimes the way ahead is plain hard work, and progress seems painstakingly slow. Yet, the concentration and focus required are gifts.  Practicing these skills builds capacity for unknown challenges ahead.

If I am to make needed changes in my life, if I am to grow closer to God, I need focus and concentration. I need to be intentional about my next step.

I continue on, turning my feet toward the way that will lead me home.