Maundy Thursday
Let me hear of your loving-kindness in the morning,
for I put my trust in you;
show me the road that I must walk,
for I lift up my soul to you. Psalm 143:8
I have been here before; I have never seen this day.
I know what day it is. Every year of my life I have entered into this sacred story, sometimes with more faithfulness and purpose than others, but never divorced from the mystery. The path through this holy time is familiar, and at the same time I have never walked it before.
The person I am today has never made a cup of morning tea, put on a favorite sweater, driven her daughter to school.
Never heard the story of betrayal and denial juxtaposed against a bright spring day, never had someone gently wipe the dust from her feet, never eaten the bread or drunk the wine poured out, never stood by in silence and watched the beauty stripped away, never begun a vigil that cannot be kept.
So I begin this day as I always do and as I have never done before, opening my heart to God’s loving-kindness and faithfully setting my feet upon a way that has yet to be revealed.
copyright © Anne E. Kitch 2014
Image credit: chrisroll / 123RF Stock Photo