Saturday, March 29, 2014

Grasping Time

Saturday in the Third Week of Lent

So teach us to number our days
   that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.  Psalm 90:12

As I take the clothes out of the dryer, I realize how worn it looks. Surely it should have held up better than this, I think. We bought it new when we moved into the house. I have to stop and count. When I realize that we have lived in the house for thirteen years, I am startled. Where did all that time go?

I guess the dryer has held up rather well. What else has withstood the passage of time? On the wall nearby are the penciled marks, evidence of how our daughters have grown in this house. I try to take an inventory, as the years from toddler to teen play fast forward in my mind.

Have I been paying attention? Have I been aware of the preciousness of time? In the blink of an eye, another thirteen years will pass and all I know about life, about parenting, about being in this house will be different. I pray that I will spend the time well. I hope that I will notice the moments, and that I will be grateful and humble and kind. 

It might be a good idea to ask for God’s help now, in this very moment.

copyright © Anne E. Kitch 2014